Our mission is to proclaim to all people a message of healing and hope through Jesus Christ and invite them to share with us in worship, fellowship, and service.
We carry this out by offering children's ministry in Selden, Sunday School , Kids' Club, and Anchor Nursery School.
Our worship services are open and welcoming to all ages and all people, regardless of their racial, religious, or ethnic identity or their sexual orientation. We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion every weekend.
Our services are held on Sundays at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Services are livestreamed on our Facebook group at "Hope Lutheran Church Selden, NY." They can also be found at the "Rev Dr Richard O Hill" channel on YouTube.com More specific details and links are on our Homepage
We have several programs during the year for children, teens, and adults.
ANCHOR NURSERY SCHOOL- offers Christian education for children 3 and 4 years old. Children can attend 3, 4, or 5 mornings a week at an affordable tuition.
KIDS' CLUB- A program for children ages 4-11 meets on Wednesdays from 4:00-5:30 during the school year.
SUNDAY SCHOOL- Classes for children ages 3-11 are provided on Sundays beginning at 9:00 a.m. starting in the Education Room and ending in the worship center.
TEEN MINISTRY- Teens (grades 6 and older) can prepare for the Rite of Confirmation by attending sessions every other Saturday afternoon from 6-8 p.m..
SENIOR HIGH TEENS- Post-confirmation teens meet for fellowship, Bible Study, and special activities. Donna Haller is the Youth Coordinator.
ADULT STUDY GROUPS- A variety of short-term small group experiences is offered on weekdays at various times of the day.
CHURCH BOWLING LEAGUE- All bowlers are welcome to take part in our bowling league on Fridays at Centereach Lanes. See Downloadable poster on Home Page for more details.
We have an active bell program, offering Adult and Teen Bell Choirs and a Melody Chime group for elementary-age children. Choirs are formed for the individual worship services on Sundays and for special holiday services.
Submit any questions to us via the e-mail address: office@hopeluth.com.